"Loomba Parity" Crocheted Rag Rug Workshop

940 Centre Ave Reading

Saturday, February 15 2025 from 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM

Join Education Curator Vicky Heffner as she introduces the Pennsylvania Dutch tradition of “loomba parity,” a gathering centered around creating rag rugs. Participants will tear rag fabric into strips and learn to crochet them into a small rug (basic crocheting knowledge is required for this workshop). In the past, generations would come together for social gatherings like this, especially during the winter months. Men would rip the cloth into strips and roll them into balls, while women crocheted rugs, teenagers socialized under supervision, and young children played with toys or took naps. This workshop aims to revive a beloved pastime from southeastern Pennsylvania.

Tickets are $25/BHC Members and $35/Non-Members. Spaces for this event are limited.

Off-street parking is available in the BHC's parking lot, located at 160 Spring Street, Reading, PA 19601.